MetaPWR Sampler


Experience the Benefits of MetaPWR for 3 Days

Want to try before you buy? When you buy your

kit through me, I'll refund you the $20 cost of the sampler. 

Fill out the form below, submit your payment via

Paypal, and I will get your packet in the mail within

2 business days! Payment can be sent to

In Your Sampler

Advantage Collagen + NMN

Supports your body's ability to produce NAD+, optimizing your metabolic health and extending your healthspan. While most collagen nutraceutical products use

only one or two collagen peptide types, MetaPWR™ Advantage contains nine.

MetaPWR Blend

MetaPWR™ blend comes in a 15mL oil, gum, softgels, and beadlets, all of which are convenient for life on-the go. You have support anywhere you go! Inhibits fat cell maturation, curbs cravings and supports metabolic health.

MetaPWR Assist

Turns 'fast carbs' into 'slow carbs' reducing our meal-time blood glucose spikes.

Supports healthy blood sugar responses.

Stabilizes energy levels throughout the day.

Supports healthy insulin sensitivity.

Decreases post meal glucose spikes.

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Send Payment & Get Your Sampler

Send your $20 payment to

*Payment will be refunded to you upon

purchase of the MetaPWR Kit


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