About Me


How It All Began

I have been an entrepreneur​ for as long as I can remember!

My first business involved selling candy at the nearby park to all the neighborhood kids.

I have always loved the idea of being able to control my own time, and the amount of money I made.

I am super passionate about motherhood, essential oils, mindset, money, and my faith. 

When I first jumped into the Essential Oil world in my late twenties, I was able to find all of those things! It came mixed together in a business opportunity where I could stay at home with my kids AND no one could tell me how much money I could make. It was completely up to me. My mind was blown and I was hooked!

That moment when I truly committed to making my stay at home business successful, was the first of many launching points to the success I've achieved today.

So here I am almost 14 years later, helping coach women around the globe how to run successful stay at home businesses, keeping family and faith in the forefront.  ​

Our Journey Circa 2009

My story with essential oils began with total skepticism! Really, we thought essential oils were for the crazy naturalists that don't take showers!

​However my mom (who does take showers, thank goodness), had used oils for years. Even with all the experiences she shared with us we still thought, give me break...there is no way these little bottles can really help anything.​

Well, at the time we had 4 kids 5 and under (how we survived that should be a separate website). I was having a hard time keeping them all HEALTHY. And I not just talking about how to get them to eat veggies! I'm saying serious stuff that had us in and out of the doc all.the.time.

After some massive disappointment in finding the right tools for my son's respiratory issues, I finally asked my mom asked my mom if there was anything natural she would use.

She gave us this little bottle of oil...and it literally changed our life (yes dramatic, but I'm dead serious). We started rubbing it on his chest and back morning and night and BOOM, it worked! After about 2 years of crazy amazing oil experiences, my husband and I looked at each other and said....why the heck aren't we sharing these with others!? I wish I could say that one choice made us instant millionaires...but I can't...

We had so much to overcome.​ I had a background in running businesses but we said we would NEVER be involved in a Network Marketing company. Oh the stories we can tell you of random BBQ invites with someone's creepy "upline". Then add in Ryan working a full time job, and having four kids under the age of five (did I mention that already)? Even with all that, we knew this could be a way to create freedom for our family. We knew doTERRA felt different than any other company we had seen. We decided to take a leap of faith and go for it!

After about 2 years of hard work, we were able to replace Ryan's income as a software engineer and the rest is history. 


Effectively serve those around you,

Find financial freedom for yourself and your family​,

Discover the flexibility that comes with owning your own business,

Make a lasting impact by sharing natural health with others...



always be learning!

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Email: hello@chooseoils.com

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